2010년 1월 30일 토요일
Jan 29 2010
Bought 24 spakling water cans. Love it!
Going to seoul for a training session and decided to bring an unread book and finish it while staying 3 days' in Seoul. It means that I should finish what I'm reading now tomorrow. About 100 pages left. I can finish it actually-I'm a kind of fast reader- but the problem is that it took 1 months to read first 180 page of this book. Interesting topic but not so easy. Anyway worth to try IMO.
Only 3 weeks left before the Olympics... Should start some kinds of prayer for my Favs. Canadian skaters, Yuna, Delobel/Scheonfelder, etc.
Oh extremely sleepy. Cannot hold my eyelids open! Should go to bed..... bye for now!
2010년 1월 29일 금요일
Jan 28 2010
Full of junks and meats today!
Desperately needed a cheese burger last night, so allowed me having a double cheese bacon at the Burger King. Definitely junk but loved it! Well, next time I'll stick on to the extra onion jr. Whopper though....
Had dinner with some of my coworkers and we had the boiled pork and pork hocks dishes. Pork hocks were great! full of collagens which should help me keeping my skins smooth. :) And it's relatively cheap. Only 10 thousand won per person and the amount of the food were enough to feed the member of 5.
For my night snack I had a low-fat sugar-free yogurt. Only 60 kcal and it's delicious. Seems perfect for the night and it was actually the most healty food I've had today.
Now I'm writing this while having a cold bottled green tea and some green olive.
Learned a new word today.
Now I'm moving back to work from the vacation moods, step by step. Tomorrow I should finish reading an article :) and this weekend is reserved for the coding! :D
Go jay! :)
2010년 1월 27일 수요일
Jan 26 2010
January 26, 2010 (Tue)
Green olive and icy cold beer = a perfect gift for a lonely night.
I love olives! black or green, the color doesnt matter. My favorite pizza is extra cheese pizza topped with olives and onions only. I always order extra olives in my pasta when dining at my favorite italian bistro. Salmon salad with chopped onions, black olives and simple oil-vinegar dressing would be just PERFECT!
Do not like stuffed orange peels in this tesco olives though.
Finished resizing most of the photos from Canada. Still have a bunch from four day's practices. I should finish some works before going a short-term training sessions so practice photos will be - should be, actually - resized after this week.
D is planning to come here at saturday evening and wants to share some time with me. I just want to stay at my office till late night, finish my works and prepare next week's training. But I feel so sorry for him so I cannot say a word. I totally understand his thoughts. It would be great if it were not for this weekend. Oh what should I do? Do not want to make him annoyed but... it makes me annoyed. blah.
2010년 1월 26일 화요일
About Jay
Location : Southern city of South Korea
Occupation : Doctoral course graduate student in Environmental process engineering discipline
Addicted in : Sports photography (especially figure skating), Black tea
Listening : Musicals, Classical music - Bach, Bartok, Brahms, Viola, Chamber music
Watching : Figure skating, Baseball, Curling, Dance
Interested in : Sustainability, Environmental economics, Wastewater reuse, Social/economic aspects of industrial environmental effects
Characteristics : Shyness, Loneliness, Enjoying new experiences(without meeting too many people), Quick on the uptakes in general, Poor memories
Location : Southern city of South Korea
Occupation : Doctoral course graduate student in Environmental process engineering discipline
Addicted in : Sports photography (especially figure skating), Black tea
Listening : Musicals, Classical music - Bach, Bartok, Brahms, Viola, Chamber music
Watching : Figure skating, Baseball, Curling, Dance
Interested in : Sustainability, Environmental economics, Wastewater reuse, Social/economic aspects of industrial environmental effects
Characteristics : Shyness, Loneliness, Enjoying new experiences(without meeting too many people), Quick on the uptakes in general, Poor memories
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