January 26, 2010 (Tue)
Green olive and icy cold beer = a perfect gift for a lonely night.
I love olives! black or green, the color doesnt matter. My favorite pizza is extra cheese pizza topped with olives and onions only. I always order extra olives in my pasta when dining at my favorite italian bistro. Salmon salad with chopped onions, black olives and simple oil-vinegar dressing would be just PERFECT!
Do not like stuffed orange peels in this tesco olives though.
Finished resizing most of the photos from Canada. Still have a bunch from four day's practices. I should finish some works before going a short-term training sessions so practice photos will be - should be, actually - resized after this week.
D is planning to come here at saturday evening and wants to share some time with me. I just want to stay at my office till late night, finish my works and prepare next week's training. But I feel so sorry for him so I cannot say a word. I totally understand his thoughts. It would be great if it were not for this weekend. Oh what should I do? Do not want to make him annoyed but... it makes me annoyed. blah.
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