2010년 4월 25일 일요일
Apr 25 2010
Actually I'm tired of all of these things
Will it be all right if I end up all of these things by myself?
Tired of being useless and lonely
Pal, you said the right thing last night but that was not what I wanted to hear; it was a little too harsh for someone who already had no faith in oneself.
This morning I start to thinking of killing myself, for the third time of my life.
2010년 4월 13일 화요일
Apr 12 2010
In the far Eastern culture there is an old saying:"A master calligrapher never blames his brush." This time I would modify it a bit. "A master-wannabe photographer never blames her camera; she just run her Photoshop."

When I came back to normal life from a couple of busiest weeks spring has already come to me with the gorgeous cherry blossoms. Last saturday, I had to go to office as usual and this photo was taken at that time. I only had a cell phone camera but surprisingly, I am satisfied with this pic. The photo was a bit dark so I modified the level and the color balance but those were all I did on this pic. Well, the flowers are just beautiful as they are, so is there any need to do more? ;)
When I came back to normal life from a couple of busiest weeks spring has already come to me with the gorgeous cherry blossoms. Last saturday, I had to go to office as usual and this photo was taken at that time. I only had a cell phone camera but surprisingly, I am satisfied with this pic. The photo was a bit dark so I modified the level and the color balance but those were all I did on this pic. Well, the flowers are just beautiful as they are, so is there any need to do more? ;)
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